The Adventures of Luzi Cane 1-5
The Adventures of Julia Wang 1-3, (in the works: 4)
Five Angels on a Hill (in the works:1-?)
These are not stories based on drama and conflict, but loaded with a deep understanding of the human and beyond and hints at transformative choices in life.
The Adventures of Luzi Cane: If you think dragons are a myth, you’ll learn otherwise in these stories. Furthermore, you will learn about the elves, and discover an entire world you didn’t know existed right under your nose.
In her search for material for books, Luzi stumbles upon many secrets and old wisdom, signs of lost ancient knowledge. When searching for truth, one may find love and friendship that one has been looking for, even in places abandoned many years ago, or in realms not of this world.
This series gives you a unique opportunity to enjoy incredible adventures. You gain so-called lost knowledge, in a world that tries to wake up from its long slumber, but is distracted by the ‘noise’ from the same world. The dragons are awakening, not to destroy us, but to guide us in our quest for a deeper understanding of our place in creation.
The Adventures of Julia Wang: The story begins before Julia’s physical birth, but quickly moves to be a sequel of her mother’s, the Luzi’s series. Julia has selected various scenarios in her life from birth to just after her nine-year birthday.
Her brother, Li, tells us about the usages of water now and in the future, e.g. as farmland, mining, energy and habitat. We talk about artificial intelligent, AI and virtual reality, VR. From the future, Laura hints us about what is to come in the next centuries, and she talks about colonising Mars. This ties in to Gaia too. France plays a role in the story, and we will tap into the Atlantean dream and even the Sphinx in Giza.
There are stories from within the family, and a few new ones show up too. We talk about the new soul, the new mind and Returning to Self, and Julia gives us hints about some of her plans as an adult. A crucial part of the story, maybe even the matrix that keeps it together, is the Code. Code is what people refer to as energy, but we will remove energy, time and space from the equation, and show what gravity truly is.
Five Angels on a Hill (From the foreword): My human name is Julia Wang, and I will tell you a story that is both a parable, a fantasy, an illusion, and the truth. This is even not a contradiction, as you will see later.
The story is about many marvellous things. One of them is about ‘going new’ where EVERYTHING changes. I will talk about the old to get into the new. It may look like a fantasy world from what we know today.
Going new demands that I must assign new understandings to old concepts and add new concepts never appeared in this world before. Another thing will be telling how you got to the Earth in the first place, and why we created it.