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The Adventures of Julia Wang - book 3

The sequel series of The Adventures of Luzi Cane

This is not a story based on drama and conflict, but loaded with a deep understanding of the human and beyond and hints at transformative choices in life.

Book 1: To be Human or to be All
Book 2: Captain & Passenger - who runs your life?
Book 3: Script Writer & Actor - Your life's show

Script Writer & Actor - Your life's show

by Eriqa Queen Erik Istrup Publishing

Back cover text

The series, written in sequence, is not based on drama and conflict, but loaded with a deep understanding of the human construct and beyond, and hints at transformative choices in life.

The ship, Wego, is a non-hierarchic vehicle for consciousness and the human, which is energy, to meet and become one. Wego, sets sail, and consciousness writes the script with New Energy ink. As the first letter takes form, Wego follows the pen’s exact course on the Sea of Life.

Julia turns seventeen and her physical connections to the world broaden. She makes new friends and family members, which include animals. Being a young adult brings Julia her most eventful summer holidays in this life so far.

Humour keeps the story light, and deep moments may give the eyes some extra moist. Both show we have heart.

The index

Wego, the good ships sails on
 Julia’s 17th birthday
 Our bird friends
 Remaining with an unpleasant feeling
 Picnic by a large waterfall in Elvendale
 Visiting Evie in her dorm
 Evie causes a trend in LAE
Summer half term
 Evie’s parents
 Oakhill Road
 Julia visits Hastings
The Twins
 Two plus two plus two
 Jo-Ann’s birthday
Hearing versus listening
Summer holidays
 Julia at Carl’s business course
 Combined birthday party in Sevenoaks
 Julia, Evie and Ya as artisans
 Visiting Villefranche-sur-Mer with Evie
 Visiting Hastings with Evie
Author’s comments

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